Red CARpet Safety Event 2017
As a new parent I remember bringing our Jillian home from the hospital and feeling overwhelmed that first night with many different feelings, many of them around her safety. I had lost the surrounding army of qualified medical professionals to care for her. I'd be responsible for everything to keep her alive and happy, and that all started with the ride home from the hospital and her first trip as a little bean in our carseat.
How many of you remember the concern you had making sure your seat was just right in your car and the big decision to choose a seat that would be safe and comfortable. We make so many decisions as parents, but this would would be super important to make sure our travel was secure.
Recently I met an amazing woman on a mission to do much for the parent community. She's from Favoredby which is an online community where parents can see awesome info on parenting and rated quality products. She also throws quite possibly the most fabulous children's safety event out there in the month of September. *Busy mama!
September is National Baby Safety Month and one of the exciting events that happens annually is this wonderful RED CARPET SAFETY EVENT. It is a fun filled, educational, inspiring and engaging event for parents and kids! The event aims to help spread awareness about Car Seat Safety as well as other areas of safety that affect parents and their precious loved ones.
This past September, celebrity families flocked to Los Angeles, CA to attend the fifth annual Celebrity Red CARpet Safety Event and drive national awareness for child passenger safety as well as safety for all baby, toddler and child products at our event. It’s a fun and successful event and everyone is looking forward this September 2017.
Here’s our short interview with Sarah Samadani from Favored.by
What's your favorite thing about planning the big RED CARPET SAFETY EVENT each year?
The "ah-ha moments" that happen to parents (both celebrity and community families). They come to the event to have some fun, learn about new products, and some safety tips. And throughout the entirety of the event, I see moments of learning that happen for kids and parents alike. It's all kinds of awesome. :)
Is there anything you are most excited about for the 2017 event particularly?
This year is planning on being bigger and even more interactive. I'm really excited for our list of celebrities/influencers and parents that are going to come and enjoy the event.
What's the most valuable thing you have learned over the years with planning for your business and event?
To always watch and listen. Every single year I take many observations that happen throughout the event, and roll them into something improved and bigger the following year. Even if it's great one year, I always want to make it greater. I also take into account any comments and topics that families are interested in learning about, and including them in the following years.
How do you balance putting together such a wonderfully large event, all of your work for FavoredBy and your own family time?
Very carefully! Sometimes there is a piece of my time that gets the short end of the stick, but it's always alternating. Finding that right balance of time for work, family, and self is constant. But managing my time is the best way I do it all, and taking advantage of all the time I have as well. I guess you could say I'm really embracing any and all opportunities of time that I have to make sure each area of my life is successful.
How would you say your passion for the children's industry and products have grown since your own babies were born?
Safety has always been a passion and a concern of mine. I've always erred on the side of caution. From health/wellness to mom/baby products. Since having kids I think it's just become even more of a passion and I have most definitely become more of a stickler for being safe.
What do you love most about living in CA?
We are coming up on summertime, is there anything you and your family love to do during the summer?
The Pool. We spend so much time at the pool during summertime and it's so much fun. One of the best parts about spending time in the pool, is that by bedtime the kids are really ready for bed. LOL!
You know we love talking to fabulous people making a difference for parents and hope you have enjoyed this post! Please check out their pages and stay in touch!